'At LISA we provide free Inclusion Sports and education and coproduction at our Academy. We focus on addressing health inequality and supporting people to live with improved opportunities and dignity. We have been working with Park Sports at The Regent’s Park venue for over 18 months.
Park Sports initially reached out to us asking “how they could help!” This was great. We could tell from the off that his team and organisation had the values and drive to work with our members. We have had a consistently great experience with them, and the venue is now an important part of our offer.
There is no criteria to be a member at LISA. The members who come to the tennis at Park Sports The Regent’s Park were mainly referred in from across Camden, Islington and Westminster, from a range of pathways including learning disability partnerships, community mental health teams and Core teams.
Our members love going to Regent’s Park to play tennis. The centre is a beautiful, amazing place with a great atmosphere and team. The coaching team always deliver sessions that play to everyone’s strengths, blend fun, competition and development. Our members are always made to feel welcome and are clearly a valued part of the wider Park Sports Community.
Over the last 18 months our members have become tennis players, coaches and friends. Ben will be entering the Special Olympics tennis this year, and we have two people who are applying to take Level 1 Coaching badges. We look forward to further developing the partnership with Park Sports and have far ranging aims from Special Olympics tennis to sports days and social events.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Park Sports team for their ongoing support. Thank you!
If you would like more information on our free Inclusion Sport or would like to work with us please reach out to info@lisahub.org.uk.'
Tom Coughlan (LISA Head of Communities)
Written with support from LISA’s Youth Leadership Team and the tennis membership.