Commercial Sport Use
To enquire about obtaining a license for commercial sports use on the Old Football Pitches, please contact The Royal Parks directly.
Small Events
Sponsored runs, sponsored walks, guided walks, and one-off small performing arts events such as outdoor opera or a recital are considered small events. Typically small events are for a few hundred people. To receive a quote for small event you will need to complete an application form at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the event. The Royal Parks will then contact you directly. Find out More

Major Events
A major event has a 5,000 person capacity, occupies more than 7,500 square metres of event infrastructure, runs for more than 3 days (including build and de-rig) and is likely to require multi-agency planning and possible road closures. The Royal Parks are accepting applications for 2023 events now.
Please complete the major events application form and email it to